Tuesday 3 April 2012

Andrea (left) and Nicole (right) grew up in Johannesburg South Africa. Both sisters attended Sharonlea Primary school and then Randpark High school. Both sisters have traveled across Southern and East Africa and parts of Europe and are passionate about wildlife, the environment, and other things of natural beauty. Andrea has been photographing wildlife (amongst many other things) for the past 5 years and Nicole has been studying wildlife and environmental ethics for the past 6 years. Andrea has undergrad and postgraduate degrees in business economics and financial management and Nicole has an undergraduate degree in journalism and postgraduate degrees in philosophy. Between these two sisters other experience and skills include remote island exploration, art, wildlife rehabilitation, experience in conservation and tourism, as well as finance and marketing. With Andrea's experience in business, photography, and the arts and Nicole's experience in wildlife rehabilitation, journalism, and environmental philosophy these two awesome sisters plan on taking over the world. Be so kind as to follow their journeys forward...
Andrea (aka Panda) and Nicole (Nix) Now live in a house on a hill overlooking Johannesburg in South Africa. We both work for an awesome company in the wildlife and wilderness tourism industry and our jobs involve us traveling to exotic and beautiful locations. We would like to share some of our experiences with you and we would love to hear whether what we do interests you!

This is a blog about two awesome sisters who do awesome things, and we believe that some people might be interested in the awesome things that we do!